Thursday, March 26, 2009

It is What It is – A story of commitment in “Truth Crushed to Ground Shall Rise Again!”
By JL Skiter Kowalski and friends

My name is James L. Kowalski and I am going to tell you a true story that happened to me in Warren County, City of Bowling Green, Commonwealth of Kentucky that goes back nearly a decade. But even before I tell you the story summary, I need to tell you that I love my children with all that I am and I pain for them everyday. And it's now been EIGHT YEARS of that pain.

The story summary is simple: Though often penniless not through my own design, my support was never fairly adjusted and as a direct result, I have been banned from seeing my own children for almost eight years. And I've been arrested and kept to rot in jail until my sympathetic friends could bail me out with money I didn't have and, never had. That's the headline. Now the issue becomes: How did this happen?

The worst part about this story is I know many of you; both male and female have lived the same horrors as me: A spouse who somehow convinces the court that there is money when there is none or, that there is negative affect on the children when there is none.

So how does something like this happen? There are always different reasons for unfairness. My story involves depression, death of a spouse, virulent cancer and, the ensuing debilitating pain management and alcoholism. By the way, none of these are my own afflictions, but are all the afflictions of the judge, as she rendered some of the most irrational findings against me. Imagine if you will, the mental state of a person, in depression, in mourning for her spouse, in severe pain and discomfort, yet allowed to render decisions against individuals whose very lives hung in the balance. Mine was one of those and I was a victim of that court for nearly a decade.

I love justice. I love this country and defended her honor in the military for 6 years. I love my children. All I ever asked for was decency and, the privilege of caring for and, loving my children after my divorce. We all worry about the economy and how it has fragmented so many lives. Think about what a broken family does to society. What right does a sane judge have to make matters far worse? The answer is none.

It is my ethic as I'm sure it is yours, to have sympathy for someone facing all of these emotional and physical challenges and that's fine. What is not fine is to have someone in such an impaired state, sit in judgment of people whose very survival depends on sane and rational judgment. This basic right to due process is supposed to be afforded to ALL of us; to you and to me. Why didn't this judge confirm the facts? Was she too ill or too depressed? As a result, my life has been so brutally hammered for nearly a decade, all because I was at the mercy of a judge who never confirmed the documented lies and misrepresentations presented to her by my ex-wife.

If you're reading this, I need your help. If you know anyone in the media, please contact me. What I need from those reading this, is SUNSHINE. Sunshine is the truth; sunshine is the best disinfectant. I need you to help me spread the word and expose injustice. My children need you to do this because as we speak, there is yet another man or woman facing the same malicious and unfounded prosecution; and another, and another.

You wouldn't let a drunk, pain-medicated bus-driver take your children to school; how on earth can anyone allow someone in the same condition to mete out justice. It can't be done.